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No-Cost Downloadable Items









Leadership Insights

  • Covey, Stephen R., The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York, NY, 2004.

  • Perkins, Dennis N.T., with Margaret P. Hltman, Paul R. Kessler, Catherine McCarthy, Leading at the Edge, Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition, American Management Association, New York, NY, 2000.

  • Shambaugh, Rebecca, It's Not a Glass Ceiling It's a Sticky Floor, McCraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, 2008

  • Keller, Gary, with Jay Papasan, The ONE Thing: The Surprising Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, Bard Press, Austin, TX, 2013.


Personal Marketing Strategies

  • Ferrazzi, Keith, and Tahl Raz, Never Eat Alone and Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time, Crown Publishing Group, New York, NY, 2014.

  • , 8 Steps Every Woman Needs toMake a Name for YourselfRoffer, Robin Fisher, Create A Personal Brand Strategy for Success, Broadway Books, New York, NY, 2000.

  • Vetter, Simon, Stand Out! Branding Strategies for Business Professionals, July Publishing, Carlsbad, CA, 2005.


Résumés and Cover Letter References

  • Block, Jay A., and Michael Betrus, 101 Best Cover Letters, McCraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY, 1999.

  • Kennedy, Joyce Lain, Resumes for Dummies, 6th ed., Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2011.

  • Whitecomb, Susan Britton, Résumé Magic, 4th ed., Jist Publishing, St. Paul, MN, 2010.


Job Interview Resource

  • Fry, Ron, 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions, 6th ed., Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, 2009.



Career Exploration Sites

Occupational Outlook Handbook

O-Net Online (tool for career exploration and job analysis)


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